Child Dental Care

Babies require daily dental hygiene care in order to prevent mouth irritation and tooth decay. 
Child dental care/hygiene should begin shortly after a child is born. After every feeding a clean, warm wash cloth should be used to gently cleanse the inside of the mouth.

General dental care for babies and young children
It is most important to make dental hygiene practices as a part of child's daily routine. It will not only keep his/her growing teeth and gums healthy and free from disease, but this will also establish a good habit for the future.

1) Establish brushing as a daily routine as soon as your child gets her first teeth. It is good practice to brush them twice a day, in the morning, and before going to bed at night. Gradually teach your child to brush her own teeth in a right technique, but be there to supervise her at all times.

2) Teach your baby to spit out the toothpaste after brushing. At least until your child learns to do this, use a fluoride-free toothpaste that is meant for infants only.

3) Ensure that your child eats a healthy diet. Include plenty of calcium-rich foods such as milk and cheese. Calcium plays an important role in increasing strength of the teeth and bones. Encourage child to develop a taste for healthy and natural snacks such as fruits and nuts, instead of sugary and starchy foods.

4) Ensure that your child has regular dental check ups.

Child Teething occurs between 6 months and 24 months of age although it can occur earlier. Normally the bottom two incisors (frontmost teeth) will come in, followed by the top four incisors. 
Signs of teething may include:
1) Excessive drooling
2) Irritability
3) "Gumming" or biting
4) Appearance of a rash around the mouth, or on the face
5) Decrease in appetite
6) Excessive crying
7) Loss of appetite
8) Increase in body temperature
9) Changes in bowel movements

To relieve the pain of teething use a clean, cool washcloth to gently massage the gums. Chilled teething rings are another popular option. When using a teething ring, make sure it is chilled but not frozen, as frozen teething rings may cause frostbite to lips and gums. Providing "teething biscuits" or other hard foods (frozen bananas) is not a good idea as these promote tooth decay.

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